
Welcome to my blog, which I started way back in December 2002 - long before social media was a thing! With the advent of Facebook, Twitter etc. I don't write that often here now, but you never know when I might feel the urge to do so.
Lasered Genitals (I kid you not!) and visiting Siobhan in hospital
Sunday, May 25, 2003
Well that was fun! I'm visiting a friend for the weekend and left my laptop at home...which was a great idea until I had some time to kill and decided to write a post here. It's taken me half an hour to get the right username and password!

Yesterday I was in London again - this time for a consultation at Hairaway for genital laser hair removal and then afterwards to visit Siobhan in hospital.
The consultation went fine - the Alexandrite laser they use has gained a cold air blowing attachment since I last went there so I could barely feel it! (in fact, it was kind of relaxing...).
I've booked the first treatment next Saturday lunchtime, so hopefully I'll see some real progress before the autumn...not having to shave there will be a real bonus (I've never been a fan of pubic hair).
I also found out yesterday that Hairaway have been bought by Lasercare so it's worth keeping an eye on them to see what effects (if any) this has on treatment costs etc.
After leaving Hairaway I took the tube to Hammersmith and walked to Charing Cross Hospital to visit Siobhan, armed with a box of liqueur truffles (flowers are nice, but chocolate is heavenly

I was so relieved to see for myself that she's OK. In fact, she's doing fantastically well - on her feet despite it being only two days after surgery. Things are obviously still pretty swollen but so far it all looks good (apparently the only significant hitch in the surgery was that Bellringer managed to leave a swab inside her, and had to open her up again to remove it).
She looks so happy and much so that I fail to see how anyone who doubts this course of treatment is right for us could still think that after meeting someone like her after surgery and seeing how of a difference being complete makes to our lives.
Gender reassignment treatment works. If you don't believe it, you're sadly misguided and have my sympathy.
Saturday, May 24, 2003
I finally managed to speak to her on Friday lunchtime and found out that her surgery went fine and she's now on the road to recovery. I'm so relieved, and happy for her. I was so scared something would go wrong and she'd be hurt.
I honestly didn't realise how much it would upset me knowing that a friend I love dearly was in theatre undergoing such major surgery. I've been tearful for much of the week, but especially on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.
I cried at my desk more than once (and I have to say, not one of my colleagues came to see if I was alright. I'm still very mad at them for that. There are times I despise working with a team of guys. It's so lonely).
It's also got me thinking about my own surgery, and I'm seriously wondering if flying out in January will be practical. I'm sick of being pre-op and can't wait to be complete.
Friends going "under the knife"
Thursday, May 22, 2003
I was planning to spend a relaxing evening tonight with a glass of something toasting all those friends who've helped me along and the wonderful future that I can see ahead of me, but I fell asleep at 8pm (I couldn't sleep last night, and tonight it's caught up with me). This weekend I'm down in Somerset visiting Kazzy so now I've yet another a reason to celebrate when I'm down there.
Believe it or not, two friends of mine are having reassignment surgery this week. Siobhan's surgery is at 1:30pm tomorrow with James Bellringer at Charing Cross Hospital in London (I'm visiting her on the ward on Saturday), and Susie's is at 8am the following day in Aikchol Hospital in Chonburi, Thailand.
Two truly special days for two truly special girls.

I have to say that it's got me thinking about my own surgery. Being pre-op is getting tired fast.
Charing Cross - cold wet and windy
Monday, May 12, 2003
What a grim and gray day. It's cold, wet and windy...just perfect for a trip up to Charing Cross Hospital. Not.
My appointment with Hairaway was cancelled at short notice this morning, and rebooked for Saturday 24th May, when I'm planning to go into CHX to see my friend Siobhan (2 days after her op!). As a result the only reason I have to go into London is to see Prof. Green, and in all honesty I'm really not in the mood for it today. Sigh.
I'm going up an hour early so I can meet up with Siobhan (she's in for a pre-surgery appointment today) and catch up on gossip (I've a lot to tell her, but that's another story...).
Saturday, May 10, 2003
I've been in London today to see Russell Reid again (my 4th appointment). Although it's a bit of a pain travelling into London just for a (nominally) half hour appointment, today was definitely worth it. Not only did I meet a couple of new friends, but talking to Russell helped ease my fears about my appointment with Prof. Richard Green at Charing Cross GIC on Monday.
We also talked about my plans for surgery and Russell was very happy with my choice of surgeon (Dr. Suporn at Aikchol Hospital in Thailand) and timing (April-May next year). In terms of trauma, he compares GRS to a hysterectomy and believes I'll need 2-3 months off work afterwards. That's something I'll need to look into fairly soon.
After the appointment I caught the tube to Piccadilly, and walked up Regent St. and along Oxford St. window shopping as I went (I was a good girl and didn't buy anything!), before catching the tube back to Waterloo and heading back home.
This evening I'm curled up in bed watching Kissing Jessica Stein on DVD and sipping a goblet of Irish Cream. A perfect way to wind down...all I'm missing is someone to rub my back at the same time!
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
I'm recovering. This weekend I went to visit a friend and well let's just say I figured out something big about my sexuality while I was away....