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Free Wi-fi only seems to happen when you don't need it...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Beth and I are in Norwich this weekend for a friend's wedding. I won't go into all of the details (the 5 1/2 hour drive, drinking way too much perry last night in the Marquee (a rock pub in the town, and Paul's local) and doing rather better at pool than I have any right to expect, given that it's only the second time I've played in 8 years....), but when we arrived at ourmhotel yesterday we discovered that the hotel offers free wi-fi access.

What's funny about it is that it's just a week since we invested in a 3G modem (they're actually affordable now - no per MByte fees) so that we wouldn't have to pay exhorbitant hotel rates for wi-fi access...

Somebody up there has a sense of humour...

The 3G modem seems to work pretty well...provided you aren't out in the country, where the coverage is still a little patchy. If I see "GPRS" on the connection screen, I know it's not worth bothering...

Posted by Anna at 10:51 | Get Link