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Welcome to my blog, which I started way back in December 2002 - long before social media was a thing! With the advent of Facebook, Twitter etc. I don't write that often here now, but you never know when I might feel the urge to do so.

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"Only an expert can deal with the problem"

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Back in January Beth bought tickets for a Laurie Anderson concert at the Barbican (part of the "Homeland" tour). I'd not come across her before, but what little I've heard through Beth is quirky and interesting.

This sort of performance art is a new experience for me, but I enjoyed it immensely. Highly recommended.

I've not been to the Barbican before, so the size of the venue came as a bit of a surprise, and (interestingly) there were an awful lot of LGBT people in the audience. It was rather fun being (almost) in the majority for once.

I have to admit that it was rather surreal being amongst the masses in London at night, compared with our rather more tranquil existence in Bournemouth, though. It was great fun mingling with the nighttime crowds around the South Bank after the concert though.

Incidentally, the title of this post refers to what I felt was the most striking of the pieces played this evening. There's a clip of it on YouTube if you want to get a feel for the performance.

The next time we're up in London is for the Flugtag, so that's about as big a contrast to this event as you could ask for, really...

Posted by Anna at 10:15 | Get Link