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Welcome to my blog, which I started way back in December 2002 - long before social media was a thing! With the advent of Facebook, Twitter etc. I don't write that often here now, but you never know when I might feel the urge to do so.

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A bit of a new look

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Since I transitioned I've not made any significant changes in my appearance other than those brought on by hormones and surgery. It's a look which has suited me well, but looking back it was time I tweaked it a bit. In particular, my hair has become a little unmanageable recently (I still haven't got around to buying a set of straighteners, although I really should) and although it always looks fantastic when I come out of the salon, by a couple of days later it's always doing its own tangled thing again.

This afternoon I had an appointment to have my hair done, but when I arrived there I found that my hairdresser Clare was off sick. To my surprise, the salon manager offered to stand in for her, which not only saved me the hassle of having to rebook the appointment, but also gave me a chance to chat to someone new (he only joined that particular salon recently).

Between interruptions from other staff (it's a busy place!) what was usually no more than a three quarter hour appointment turned into nearly an hour and a half. By the time we finished I was well and truly chilled out, and so relaxed I just felt like floating to the nearest cafe and sipping a Chi Tea (which I did, of course!).

Of course, each stylist has a different perspective on what will work for a particular client, and he was no exception. As a result I've now got a slightly different look.

I'll keep you guessing as to what it is for now though.

Posted by Anna at 22:35 | Get Link

Apocalpyse, Gentlemen Please

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

It's always good to chill out in the evening, and this week is certainly no exception.

Tonight Beth and I went into town to see The League of Gentlemen's Apocalyse at the cinema (one which Beth's been wanting to see for quite some time).

It's without a doubt the most surreal movie I've seen in a long time...not one I'd have chosen, but one which I'm glad I saw. It was a scream!

That was good, but what followed was equally funny. Afterwards we decided to take a short walk, during the course of which we passed through the car park of a local venue. At the time (approaching 11pm) a concert had obviously just finished as there were several roadies moving stage lighting and sound equipment from the venue to a number of trucks parked outside.

Guys being guys, they started showing off as we walked past (making a big show of how strong and manly they were in front of us - any girl would be flattered of the attention of course!), and we politely declined their invitation to help them (or more likely, to spend time admiring them while they showed off their muscles moving heavy equipment around).

After my time involved with music societies at Surrey University (and subsequently touring round Germany with Asylum) I'm all too familiar with stage equipment and crew, so needless to say I found it incredibly amusing. Never let it be said that life after transition is not entertaining.

Posted by Anna at 23:45 | Get Link

Can it really be a year already?

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Beth and I at a Church event last NovemberI can hardly believe it, but a glance at the calendar confirms is the first anniversary of Beth and I meeting back on Friday 11th June last year. Wow!

We've both been through a lot since that first amazing date at La Tasca in Basingstoke, but we've faced all of it together.

Not only are we both so much wiser (and stronger!) for it, but we're also closer than ever - something all who meet us seem all too able to see.

Our relationship is far more open and trusting than any I've ever encountered, and that's something I've never experienced before. It's truly special.

All I can say is thank you Endemol! (in case you don't know, it's Big Brother 5's fault that we met...).

Posted by Anna at 18:02 | Get Link