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Welcome to my blog, which I started way back in December 2002 - long before social media was a thing! With the advent of Facebook, Twitter etc. I don't write that often here now, but you never know when I might feel the urge to do so.

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We're going to the FlugTag

Monday, April 21, 2008

Five years ago I (entirely by accident) stumbled onto TV coverage of the Red Bull Flugtag in Hyde Park. If you don't know of the event it's a kind of "Wacky Races meets It's A Knockout" sort of thing - take a bunch of teams and give them a chance to fly their own quirky homemade flying machines off a large ramp over the Serpentine in Hyde Park. The result? Absolute hillarity and a lot of wet competitors.

I saw some of the highlights of the first event on TV a few years ago ( I seem to remember at least one team going over the edge with a piano!) and didn't stop laughing the whole way though, so applying for tickets for this (the second event in the UK) on 7th June was a no-brainer.

Beth and I have just received our (free!!) tickets:

The 2nd Red Bull Flugtag - Saturday 7th June in Hyde Park

I've been browsing their site to see what's one there - and some of the teams look very, very silly, for example:

It should be a fun day. I'll be grinning madly somewhere in the north arena if you happen to be there.

Posted by Anna at 12:30 | Get Link